Veterinary Radiology and Pet Digital X-rays in Wayne, NJ
Tri-County Animal Hospital utilizes a state-of-the-art digital x-ray unit. This allows us to instantaneously view the highest quality image for a more accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition. If necessary, radiographs are sent to a board certified pet radiologist in Wayne with results that are typically available in less than 24 hours.
Vet Digital radiology in Wayne is used to:
- Find foreign objects or materials in the body that may have been swallowed
- Diagnose fractures, bone and/or joint abnormalities, in addition to an array of other injuries
- Screen for abnormalities within the heart, lungs, urinary, and digestive organs
- Detect some forms of cancer

The Benefits of Pet Digital X-Rays in Wayne
The image quality of a digital x-ray is much higher than a film x-ray and there is no time lost in processing the image. Because we are able to view the x-ray almost immediately we can diagnose and treat your pet rapidly. Radiation exposure to your pet is also minimized, as our veterinarians in Wayne use far less radiation for digital radiography. In addition, digital radiology for animals is environmentally friendly because there are no chemicals to contaminate water systems.